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首页 > 供应产品 > 【el2808|倍福BECKHOFF】批发数字模块| 商家
【el2808|倍福BECKHOFF】批发数字模块| 商家
产品: 浏览次数:0【el2808|倍福BECKHOFF】批发数字模块| 商家 
单价: 213.00元/个
最小起订量: 1 个
供货总量: 11 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-10-21
                                        【el2808|倍福BECKHOFF】批发数字模块| 商家

EtherCAT – 用于实现自动化的超高速通讯 I/O


  • 以太网直达端子模块 – 具有完全连续性
  • 以太网过程接口可从 2 位扩展到 64 kB
  • **款真正的现场级以太网解决方案


  • 12 μs 内 256 个数字量 I/O
  • 30 μs 内 1000 个数字量 I/O
  • 50 μs 内 200 个模拟量 I/O(16 位),相当于 20 kHz 采样率
  • 100 μs 内 100 个伺服轴
  • 350 μs 内 12,000 个数字量 I/O
  • 流通量:10 kbyte/ms,分配给 1500 个设备


  • 总线形、树形或星形拓扑结构
  • 可容纳多达 65,535 个设备
  • 网络规模:几乎无限(> 500 km)
  • 有无交换机均可运行
  • 经济高效的电缆敷设:标准以太网连接电缆(CAT5)
  • 双绞线电缆物理层:
  • 以太网 100base-TX,两个设备之间**距离为100 m
  • 选项:光缆长度有 50 至 2000 m 可选
  • 支持总线网段的热插拔


  • 网络范围的过程映像:4 Gbyte
  • 设备过程映像:2 位至 64 kbyte
  • 地址分配:可自由组态
  • 设备地址选择:通过软件自动进行


  • 直接内置于以太网帧内的优化协议
  • 完全由硬件实现
  • 用于路由和接口:UDP 数据报文
  • 传递时进行处理
  • 用于精确同步的分布式时钟
  • 时间戳数据类型,用于纳秒范围内的分辨率
  • 用于高分辨率测量的过采样数据类型

EL2808 | 【el2808|倍福BECKHOFF】批发数字模块| 商家

The EL2808 digital output terminal connects the binary control signals from the automation device on to the actuators at the process level with electrical isolation. The EL2808 is protected against polarity reversal and processes load currents with outputs protected against overload and short-circuit. The EtherCAT Terminal contains eight channels, consisting of a signal output and 0 V DC. The signal states are displayed by LEDs. The power contacts are looped through.

The outputs are fed via the 24 V power contact in the EL2808. The conductors can be connected without tools in the case of solid wires using a direct plug-in technique.

The HD EtherCAT Terminals (High Density) with increased packing density feature 16 connection points in the housing of a 12 mm terminal block.

Technical data EL2808
Connection technology 2-wire
Number of outputs 8
Rated load voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Distributed clocks
Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) per channel
Short circuit current typ. < 2 A
Reverse voltage protection yes
Breaking energy < 150 mJ/channel
Switching times typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TOFF: 300 µs
Current consumption E-bus typ. 110 mA
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field potential)
Current consumption power contacts typ. 15 mA + load
Bit width in the process image 8 outputs
Configuration no address or configuration setting
Conductor types solid wire, stranded wire and ferrule
Conductor connection solid wire conductors: direct plug-in technique; stranded wire conductors and ferrules: spring actuation by screwdriver
Rated cross-section solid wire: 0.08…1.5 mm²; stranded wire: 0.25…1.5 mm²; ferrule: 0.14…0.75 mm²
Weight approx. 65 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
【el2808|倍福BECKHOFF】批发数字模块| 商
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